Friday, October 25, 2013

ARP-sponsored Lifespan Social-Personality Preconference at SPSP

Jennifer Lodi-Smith, Susan Krauss Whitbourne, and Erik Noftle are organizing the third annual preconference dedicated to lifespan development at SPSP, the Lifespan Social-Personality preconference.

The preconference will take place on February 13, 2004. We have organized three symposia, all of which we expect to be of great interest to ARP members. The first symposium is on personality development in late life, and will include talks by Jennifer Lay, Jenny Wagner, Nicholas Turiano, and Cornelia Wrzus. The second symposium is on moral and character development across the lifespan, and will include talks by Brent Roberts, Daniel Lapsley, Tobias Krettenauer, and Lauri Jensen-Campbell. The third symposium is on methods in lifespan social-personality psychology, and will include talks by Jon Adler, Josh Jackson, Jenn Lodi-Smith, and Jack McArdle. We are very pleased that Jutta Heckhausen has agreed to be the discussant to close the preconference.

The preconference will also include an open poster session. All registered attendees are welcome to bring posters of their research to share.

More information about the preconference is here:

Registration is NOW OPEN!

Finally, we are delighted that ARP will be sponsoring the preconference this year! One feature of ARP sponsorship is that all students who are members of ARP will receive a $10 reduction in registration fees for the preconference!

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