Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Clinical Psychology Search

Clinical Psychology Search

The Department of Psychology at the University of Iowa invites applications for a tenure track
faculty position in Clinical Psychology to begin in the academic year 2010. We
invite applications from candidates with outstanding research records who work within
any area of clinical psychology. The appointment is expected to be at the rank of
assistant professor and requires that the Ph.D. be received by August 18, 2010. The
review of applicants will begin on December 15, 2009 and will continue until the position
is filled. To apply please visit our electronic submission website at
http://jobs.uiowa.edu/faculty and refer to requisition #57352. Materials including a letter
of interest, curriculum vita, copies of selected scholarly papers, and a research statement
should be submitted electronically. Three letters of recommendation should be directed
to the Clinical Faculty Search Committee, Department of Psychology, The University of
Iowa, 11 Seashore Hall E, Iowa City, IA 52242-1407. Informal inquiries about the
position can be directed to the Department Chair, Alan Christensen, at alan-christensen@
uiowa.edu. The Department of Psychology is experiencing a period of
vigorous growth and enhancement, including approximately 10,000sf of newly renovated
clinical psychology laboratory space. Candidates may visit our web site at
www.psychology.uiowa.edu for more information regarding the Department and life in
Iowa City.

The Department of Psychology and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences are
strongly committed to gender and ethnic diversity; the strategic plans of the
University, College, and Department reflect this commitment. Women and
minorities are especially encouraged to apply. The University of Iowa is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

University of Oregon announces 2 personality job openings

Social/Personality/Emotion Search

The University of Oregon Psychology Department invites applications for two tenure-track positions, for candidates with an active research program in social psychology, personality, and/or emotion, broadly construed. The appointments will be at the Assistant Professor level. Commitment to excellence in research as well as teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate levels is required. Ph.D. by Fall 2010 required. Materials should include a curriculum vitae, a three-page statement on research and teaching interests, selected manuscripts, and three letters of recommendation. Requested materials and reference letters may be submitted online at www.academicjobsonline.org. To be assured of full review, applications should be received by October 15, 2009. The position will remain open until filled. The University of Oregon is an EO/AA/ADA institution committed to cultural diversity. We seek candidates who share our commitment to diversity and can work effectively with students, faculty, and staff from diverse backgrounds. As a federal contractor, the University of Oregon has federal statistical reporting and affirmative action monitoring requirements.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Dr. Robert R. McCrae

Dr. Robert R. McCrae has retired from the National Institute on Aging where he was Senior Investigator in the Personality, Stress and Coping Section of the Laboratory of Personality and Cognition. His new email address is RRMcCrae@gmail.com.

Editors Note: On behalf of his many admiring colleagues in the ARP community let me congratulate Jeff on his retirement. His contributions to the field have been remarkable and we wish him the very best.

David M. Frost

David M. Frost completed his Ph.D. in Social-Personality Psychology at The Graduate Center of the City University of New York. His dissertation was entitled "Stigma, Intimacy, and Well-Being: A
Personality and Social Structures Approach." He has accepted a tenure-track position beginning in August 2009 at San Francisco State University in the Department of Sexuality Studies.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Psychology of Personality: Viewpoints, Research, and Applications

Bernie Carducci, Professor of Psychology and Director of the Shyness Research Institute at Indiana University Southeast, recently had published the second edition of his personality textbook titled The Psychology of Personality: Viewpoints, Research, and Applications, 2nd ed. (2009, Wiley-Blackwell).

Jon Adler

Jonathan M. Adler received his Ph.D. in Personality and Clinical Psychology from Northwestern University and has accepted a position as Assistant Professor of Psychology at F.W. Olin College of Engineering in Needham, Massachusetts. Olin is a new school, founded in 1997 with the largest grant ever given in higher education. It is a science and engineering undergraduate institution, where every student is admitted tuition-free. Olin is part of a consortium with Wellesley College, Brandeis University, and Babson College (it is modeled after the Claremont consortium in California, with Olin in the Harvey Mudd spot). Jon will be joining their social sciences faculty where he will be doing research and teaching undergraduate seminars.

Erik Noftle

Erik E. Noftle (Ph.D. 2007, University of California, Davis) is moving from his postdoctoral fellowship at Wake Forest University to an assistant professorship at Linfield College, McMinnville, OR.

Two post-doctoral positions in personality psychology at NIH

Two post-doctoral positions in personality psychology at NIH

Department of Health and Human Services

National Institutes of Health

National Institute on Aging

The National Institute on Aging (NIA), a major research component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), is recruiting two (2) one to two-year Intramural Research Training Award (IRTA) postdoctoral positions in the Laboratory of Personality and Cognition (LPC).

The candidates will work with Dr. Antonio Terracciano, a staff scientist in the personality section of LPC (Paul T. Costa, Lab Chief). Both positions involve the analysis of existing datasets and ongoing multidisciplinary studies that examine: 1) the genetic bases of personality and other psychological variables; and (2) the links between personality traits and a wide array of health-related behaviors and clinical outcomes in large cross-sectional and longitudinal datasets.

Ideal candidates will have experience in one of the above areas and knowledge of personality development, structure and assessment. Candidates must have strong writing and statistical skills (e.g., multivariate statistical analysis; multilevel modeling). Candidates must have a Ph.D. or M.D. with less than five years of postdoctoral research experience. The position is located in Baltimore, MD, a city with a stimulating scientific and cultural environment, with proximity to the Johns Hopkins medical campus. Salary is commensurate with experience and accomplishments (http://www.training.nih.gov/stipends.asp).

To apply, send curriculum vitae, statement of research interests, relevant publications, and three reference letters to: TerraccianoA@mail.nih.gov OR Antonio Terracciano, LPC-NIA-NIH, 251 Bayview Blvd, Suite 100, Room 04B331, Baltimore MD 21224. Application process will begin immediately and continue until the positions are filled. Additional information regarding the NIA/IRP and the LPC are available at the following websites: http://www.grc.nia.nih.gov; http://www.grc.nia.nih.gov/branches/lpc/pscs.htm

DHHS and NIH are Equal Opportunity Employers

The NIH is dedicated to building a diverse community

in its training and employment programs.