Thursday, October 10, 2013

APA 2014 Call For Submissions

Dear Colleagues, 

I invite you to submit proposals for symposia and posters for the annual APA convention, to be held August 7-10 in Washington, DC.  In my role as Program Chair for Division 8 (Personality and Social Psychology), I will be coordinating the program and welcome any questions.  Please note that Division 8 only accepts symposia and poster submissions and does not accept individual papers.  

In recent years, we have had excellent programs at APA, and we hope to have even more representation from personality and social psychologists in 2014.  In particular, early career faculty and graduate students are encouraged to organize a symposium in their area of study or to submit a poster proposal of their work.  This year, we are especially interested in submissions that demonstrate the ways in which personality and social psychology connect to and inform other areas of psychology, including applied work in all areas and research with clinical relevance.  Also, please consider whether your symposium submission fulfills the criteria for Continuing Education, which is a straightforward process and dramatically increases attendance at sessions.  APA non-members may submit proposals if at least one co-author is a member of APA or an APA member sponsors the proposal. 

Submissions should be made online by midnight EST on Monday, December 2, 2013 at  Full details about the procedures for submitting proposals can be found at
Please feel free to contact me at with questions or ideas for programming that you would like to see at the next APA convention.


Jonathan Adler

Olin College of Engineering
Olin Way, MH 368
Needham, MA 02492

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