Friday, October 25, 2013

ARP-sponsored Lifespan Social-Personality Preconference at SPSP

Jennifer Lodi-Smith, Susan Krauss Whitbourne, and Erik Noftle are organizing the third annual preconference dedicated to lifespan development at SPSP, the Lifespan Social-Personality preconference.

The preconference will take place on February 13, 2004. We have organized three symposia, all of which we expect to be of great interest to ARP members. The first symposium is on personality development in late life, and will include talks by Jennifer Lay, Jenny Wagner, Nicholas Turiano, and Cornelia Wrzus. The second symposium is on moral and character development across the lifespan, and will include talks by Brent Roberts, Daniel Lapsley, Tobias Krettenauer, and Lauri Jensen-Campbell. The third symposium is on methods in lifespan social-personality psychology, and will include talks by Jon Adler, Josh Jackson, Jenn Lodi-Smith, and Jack McArdle. We are very pleased that Jutta Heckhausen has agreed to be the discussant to close the preconference.

The preconference will also include an open poster session. All registered attendees are welcome to bring posters of their research to share.

More information about the preconference is here:

Registration is NOW OPEN!

Finally, we are delighted that ARP will be sponsoring the preconference this year! One feature of ARP sponsorship is that all students who are members of ARP will receive a $10 reduction in registration fees for the preconference!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Invitation to contribute to meta-analysis: Personality and cognitive ability data

Do you have personality and cognitive ability data? If so, Kevin Stanek, a doctoral student at the University of Minnesota who is writing his dissertation on the relations between personality and cognitive ability, invites you to contribute to what could end up being the largest meta-analysis ever conducted. All you need to do to contribute is provide the means, standard deviations, and intercorrelations for the personality and cognitive ability variables in your data set as well as the mean and standard deviation for age, % male/female in the sample, and % in various ethnic/racial groups (if collected)No individual-level data needs to be provided, so the confidentiality of all of your participants' data will be maintained. All contributing researchers will be acknowledged. If you would like to contribute or have any questions, please e-mail

Thursday, October 10, 2013

APA 2014 Call For Submissions

Dear Colleagues, 

I invite you to submit proposals for symposia and posters for the annual APA convention, to be held August 7-10 in Washington, DC.  In my role as Program Chair for Division 8 (Personality and Social Psychology), I will be coordinating the program and welcome any questions.  Please note that Division 8 only accepts symposia and poster submissions and does not accept individual papers.  

In recent years, we have had excellent programs at APA, and we hope to have even more representation from personality and social psychologists in 2014.  In particular, early career faculty and graduate students are encouraged to organize a symposium in their area of study or to submit a poster proposal of their work.  This year, we are especially interested in submissions that demonstrate the ways in which personality and social psychology connect to and inform other areas of psychology, including applied work in all areas and research with clinical relevance.  Also, please consider whether your symposium submission fulfills the criteria for Continuing Education, which is a straightforward process and dramatically increases attendance at sessions.  APA non-members may submit proposals if at least one co-author is a member of APA or an APA member sponsors the proposal. 

Submissions should be made online by midnight EST on Monday, December 2, 2013 at  Full details about the procedures for submitting proposals can be found at
Please feel free to contact me at with questions or ideas for programming that you would like to see at the next APA convention.


Jonathan Adler

Olin College of Engineering
Olin Way, MH 368
Needham, MA 02492

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Kansas State University: Instructor in Personality-Social Psychology

The Department of Psychological Sciences at Kansas State University expects to fill an 18-month instructor position beginning in January 2014 contingent upon available funding.  The teaching load will be four courses per semester, and teaching responsibilities will include undergraduate and graduate course in Personality Psychology, General Psychology, and other courses as needed.  PhD degree is preferred, but ABD candidates will be considered.  Candidates should have demonstrated excellence in teaching and be strongly committed to quality teaching in a research-based PhD-granting department in which faculty members teach, conduct research, and supervise graduate students.  Information about the Department, its undergraduate and graduate programs, and faculty can be found at  Applicants should email a curriculum vita, statement of teaching experiences and interests, evidence of teaching effectiveness, and three letters of recommendation to (pdf format preferred).  Review of applications will begin on November 1, 2013 and will continue until the position is filled.  Inquiries may be addressed to Mark Barnett (, Department of Psychological Sciences, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506.  In accordance with Kansas Board of Regents policy, the University is required to run a background check on the final candidate.  Kansas State University is an Equal Opportunity Employer and actively seeks diversity among its employees.