Monday, November 28, 2011
Book Announcement: Goal-Based Approaches to Assessment and Intervention with Addiction and Other Problems
As in the first edition, they strove for comprehensive coverage of empirically supported concepts and evidence on principles of motivation, the development of motivational problems, motivational assessment tools, and the most effective, evidence-based individual and group interventions. The new edition incorporates extensive new empirical research published in this rapidly evolving field. With its international team of contributors, the book constitutes the most comprehensive and updated guide to the nature of motivation, how motivational problems develop, how they can be identified, and how they can be corrected. In addition to the significant revision of all retained first-edition chapters to reflect recent developments--with concepts and applications that range from basic personality to clinical, work, and corrections settings--five chapters are new, encompassing motive-based approaches, motivational counseling with the dually diagnosed, cognitive and motivational retraining, meaning-centered counseling, and motivation in sport.
Book Announcement: The Shyness Workbook: 30 Days to Dealing Effectively With Shyness
Comings and Goings: Christopher Nave
Friday, October 28, 2011
Job Announcement: Post-doctoral Positions at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Comings and Goings: Joshua Jackson
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Comings and Goings: Ryne Sherman
Job Announcement: Florida Atlantic University
The application deadline is November 30, 2011.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Comings and Goings: Jennifer Lodi-Smith
Book Announcement: Quantitative Models in Psychology
Training in quantitative methods primarily involves studying the mechanics of statistics or, in other words, the "how" of data analysis. What is less studied is the "why," or the foundational theory underlying these concepts.
Using the organizing principle that quantitative methods are the building blocks of models, this book focuses on models of inference, models of measurement, and the modeling of psychological phenomena. Specifically, it presents inferential statistics and quantitative modeling of psychological phenomena; the logic and limits of null hypothesis significance testing; alternatives to significance testing, including confidence intervals, meta-analysis, and Bayesian methods; models of measurement error; latent-variable models; the mathematical qualities of quantitative variables; the modeling of psychological phenomena, including such concepts as moderation and mediation.
Book Announcement: The Longevity Project
The book's Facebook page ( includes links to TV clips, radio shows, and print interviews. To read the book's Introduction, visit . Also, a paperback edition, suitable for class use and costing only about $10, will be published in February 2012.
Friday, February 4, 2011
New Journal: Scientific Study of Literature
We are happy to announce the launch of a new journal, Scientific Study of Literature (SSOL). SSOL is the official journal of the International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature. Our purview is broad, including all cultural artefacts that make use of literary devices (e.g., narrativity, symbolism), including novels, poetry, theatre, film, television, and videogames. We welcome contributions from many disciplinary perspectives, including psychological, developmental, cross-cultural, cognitive, neuroscience, computational, and educational.
To learn more about our new journal, please visit our website:
Willie van Peer (
Max Louwerse (
Joan Peskin (
Raymond A. Mar (
Markus Appel, University of Linz
Douglas Biber, Northern Arizona University
Marisa Bortolussi, University of Alberta
Gerald Cupchik, University of Toronto
Peter Dixon, University of Alberta
Richard Gerrig, Stony Brook University
Raymond W. Gibbs, Jr., University of California at Santa Cruz
Rachel Giora, University of Tel Aviv
Arthur C. Graesser, University of Memphis
Melanie C. Green, University of North Carolina
Frank Hakemulder, University of Utrecht
David Ian Hanauer, Indiana University Pennsylvania
James W. Pennebaker, University of Texas
David S. Miall, University of Alberta
Keith Oatley, University of Toronto
Mary Beth Oliver, Penn State
Steven Pinker, Harvard University
David N. Rapp, Northwestern University
Margrit Schreier, Jakobs University Bremen
Reinhold Viehoff, University of Halle
Peter Vorderer, University of Mannheim
Joris van Zundert, Huygens Institute, The Netherlands
Rolf A. Zwaan, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Friday, January 14, 2011
Call for Programs: ARP Conference
The ARP Executive Board recently drafted a white paper—“The Grand Challenges of Personality and Individual Differences for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Science”—that was developed and submitted in response to a call from the National Science Foundation. The full text of the white paper can be found on the ARP website. In short, the Board identified the key, broad questions in the psychological study of personality as follows:
- What are the primary dimensions of personality and ability, and how can they best be measured?
- What are the origins of these individual differences?
- What are the psychological processes that underlie individual differences in personality?
- To what degree and in what ways is personality stable, variable, and changeable across the lifespan?
- What are the behavioral implications of personality and how do these implications vary with situational circumstances?
- What are the long‐term implications of personality for important life outcomes and how do these implications vary according to the nature of physical, social and cultural environment?
Two formats are available for submissions: Symposia and Posters. The Program Committee will make a final selection of presentations based on quality, balance of content, and diversity, broadly speaking, in the overall conference program. Submissions not accepted for oral presentation will be considered for presentation as individual posters unless the authors stipulate otherwise. The first author is expected to give the oral presentation or be available at the poster.
Symposia are 90 minutes in length and include presentations from a maximum of 4 speakers, including an optional discussant, on a related topic. Thus, typical symposia will be comprised of 3 talks plus a discussant or 4 talks with no discussant; however, symposia with fewer speakers are permitted as well. In planning a symposium, please allow sufficient time for audience questions and discussion. Submissions must include (a) names and contact information for the chairperson(s), all presenters, and the discussant (if applicable), (b) a symposium title and overarching abstract of no more than 200 words, and (c) individual abstracts (200 words max) for each talk to be included in the symposium. Please address in the overarching abstract how Q&A/discussion will be integrated into the symposium.
Poster PresentationsPoster submissions may include presentations of works that are either complete or in progress (e.g., studies for which data collection is well under way, but for which full results are not yet available at the time of submission). Submissions must include (a) names and contact information for all authors, (b) presentation title, and (c) an abstract of no more than 200 words describing the rationale, methods, results, and implications of the work to be presented.
Graduate student poster presenters may elect to have their abstracts considered for the Rising Stars Symposium, which will provide the opportunity for the top poster authors to present their work orally rather than by poster. To be considered for the Rising Stars Symposium, presenters must describe a completed project and submit an extended abstract of no more than 1,000 words (which can include tables, figures, and references) detailing the rationale, methods, results, and implications of the work. Presenters also must submit a current CV. Rising Stars will be selected by the Program Committee based on the quality of the work described in the abstract and the quality of their academic records. Potential candidates must be enrolled in graduate school at the time of abstract submission.
Number of SubmissionsThere is no limit to the number of submissions on which a presenter may be an author. However, anyone submitting an abstract may be first author on only one oral presentation (discussant roles are exempted from this limit). There is no limit to the number of first-authored poster abstract submissions.
Submission WithdrawalsIf it is necessary to withdraw a submission, please notify the Program Chair as soon as possible.
Abstract Submission Details and DeadlineThe deadline for all abstract submissions is January 21, 2011. Please prepare your submission using the appropriate abstract templates. For the symposium template, click here. For the poster template, click here. Submit all materials via email to Please follow the templates: Abstracts that do not follow the template will be returned to authors.