Friday, January 11, 2013

Job Announcement: KU Leuven (Belgium), Psychology of Emotion-in-context

Academic position at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences Psychology of Emotion-in-context (starting at 1st October, 2013, 2014, or 2015)

Pending budgetary approval, the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at KU Leuven (Belgium) invites applications for an academic position in the domain of the Psychology of Emotion-in-context.



Candidates must have a research background in how emotional and affective processes occur and evolve as a function of contextual factors, broadly construed (including situational, intergroup, and cultural factors). This covers a broad area of research that includes (but is not restricted to) research into contextualized accounts of emotions and emotional behavior, the time dynamics of emotion, the role of emotions in intergroup relations, and cultural influences on emotion. The new faculty member is expected to develop an active research program, and attract national and international funding.

The position will be embedded within a consortium consisting of the Research unit of Quantitative Psychology and Individual Differences (, the Research unit of Social and Cultural Psychology (, and the Research unit of Methodology of Educational Sciences ( This consortium currently consists of 12 faculty, 8 postdocs, and 32 PhD students. The consortium offers an inspiring working environment, the research has an international profile, and funding is excellent. The successful candidate will develop his/her research both independently and in close collaboration with the other members of the consortium.


The applicant is expected to teach at the undergraduate and graduate level, and supervise graduate students in the context of master’s theses and internships. Given the evolution towards team teaching, the distribution of the teaching load over the staff will take place by mutual agreement between the members of the research units and the vice-dean for education, taking into account the specific expertise of the colleagues involved.


With emotions playing a key role in a broad range of phenomena, the study of emotion-in-context has important applied implications. Depending on the expertise of the successful candidate, the performed research is expected to inform policy making related to intergroup conflicts, mood disorders, or other societal challenges.


Candidates are expected to have an excellent research record that will reflect positively on the quality and standing of the faculty. The quality of research should be apparent from publications in international peer-reviewed journals. International research experience and demonstrated success in the acquisition of competitive research funds will be considered assets.

Applicants are expected to have acquired high-level instructional qualities and skills to train and teach future bachelors and masters in psychology. The successful candidate should be prepared to further develop these qualities and skills.

If the candidate does not speak Dutch, he/she will be expected to learn the language within three years of the appointment. The required proficiency level will depend on the duties assigned. Dutch language courses are offered at KU Leuven. Proficiency in the English language is also required.

The applicant is also expected to have the necessary relational skills and leadership capacities to collaborate in the research team and to build international networks. In time and depending on the academic degree, he/she should be willing to take up responsibilities in and outside the faculty.

The position requires a PhD or a doctoral degree, preferably in Psychology, or in a related discipline provided that the candidate has academic experience in the research domain.

The rank of the position is open (tenure-track or tenured assistant professor, associate professor, or full professor), and will be determined on the basis of the applicant’s qualifications. The Belgian university system allows for promotion of rank within the same position.

KU Leuven is one of the oldest universities of Europe. Leuven is at the center of Europe, located at 30 km (19 miles) from Brussels and 24 km (15 miles) from a major international airport.

KU Leuven pursues a policy of equal opportunity and diversity.

To obtain more information about this position, candidates can contact one of the co-chairs of the search committee, Dr. Peter Kuppens (email: and Dr. Batja Mesquita (email:

Candidates are invited to apply online at (will be activated upon final approval of the position). Should you encounter any problems with the electronic registration, please contact Valerie Vander Borght (

Monday, January 7, 2013

2013 ARP Conference Submissions Deadline Extended to Feb. 1, 2013

3rd Annual Convention
June 20-22, 2013
Charlotte, North Carolina

The ARP Program Committee is now soliciting abstracts for presentations at the 3rd Biennial Meeting of the Association for Research in Personality, which is scheduled to take place Thursday, June 20th, to Saturday, June 22nd, 2013, in Charlotte, North Carolina.  The program will include symposia and posters selected in response to this open call.  In addition, we are very pleased to announce that the program will feature two invited talks, from two leading researchers in personality science, who are also two of the Editors of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Laura King (University of Missouri) and Jeffrey Simpson (University of Minnesota).

Immediately preceding the conference, on Thursday, June 20th, there will be a workshop on Studying Personality via the Autonomic Nervous and Neuroendocrine Systems, led by Iris Mauss and Sally Dickerson. This 6-hour workshop is open to all attendants for the additional cost of $30 for member students, $55 for general members, and $80 for all non-members.

More details of the meeting can be found at the following URL:

Although there is no official “theme” for this upcoming meeting, the Conference Program Committee is hoping to solicit symposia and posters that cover a broad range of substantive topics within the field. We conceive of personality science in wide-ranging terms, and intend for the conference to cover all of the content areas traditionally and currently studied by psychological scientists who address topics relevant to personality. This includes, but is not limited to, research on individual differences in personality, broadly conceived, including research both on their structure and social-cognitive mediators; genetic, affective, physiological, neuroendocrine, and evolutionary bases of personality processes and social behavior; and a wide range of narrower topics that fall within the domain of personality science, including personality judgments, emotions and emotional processes, motivation, romantic relationships and mating, the self and self-regulation, social cognition, and personality assessment. The overriding goal of the Program Committee is to develop a slate of presentations that broadly reflects the diversity of basic questions facing our discipline.

Two formats are available for submissions:  Symposia and Posters.  The Program Committee will make a final selection of presentations based on quality, balance of content, and diversity, broadly speaking, in the overall conference program. Submissions not accepted for oral presentation will be considered for presentation as individual posters unless the authors stipulate otherwise. The first author is expected to give the oral presentation or be available at the poster.

Symposia are 75 minutes in length and include presentations from a maximum of 4 speakers on a related topic.  Thus, typical symposia will be comprised of 3 or 4 talks; however, symposia with fewer speakers are permitted as well.  In planning a symposium, please allow sufficient time for audience questions and discussion.  Submissions must include (a) names and contact information for the chairperson(s), all presenters, (b) a symposium title and overarching abstract of no more than 200 words, and (c) individual abstracts (200 words max) for each talk to be included in the symposium.  Submitters should complete the Symposia Submission Form that can be downloaded from the ARP website to submit their abstracts.

Poster Presentations
Poster submissions may include presentations of works that are either complete or in progress (e.g., studies for which data collection is well under way, but for which full results are not yet available at the time of submission). Submissions must include (a) names and contact information for all authors, (b) presentation title, and (c) an abstract of no more than 200 words describing the rationale, methods, results, and implications of the work to be presented. Submitters should complete the Poster Submission Form that can be downloaded from the ARP website to submit their abstracts.

Number of Submissions
There is no limit to the number of submissions on which a presenter may be an author. However, anyone submitting an abstract may be first author on only one oral presentation. There is no limit to the number of first-authored poster abstract submissions.

Submission Withdrawals
If it is necessary to withdraw a submission, please notify the Program Chairs as soon as possible.

Abstract Submission Details and Deadline
The deadline for all abstract submissions is February 1st, 2013.  The original deadline of Jan. 21 has been extended to accommodate people traveling to SPSP. Please prepare your submission using the appropriate abstract submission form posted on the ARP website.  Submit all materials via email  Please follow the guidelines included in the submission forms.  Abstracts that do not follow these guidelines will be returned to authors.


The 2013 ARP Program Committee:

Özlem Ayduk, Co-Chair
Jessica Tracy, Co-Chair
Brent Donnellan
R. Chris Fraley
Iris Mauss
Ken Sheldon
Vivian Zayas

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Sixteenth International Reversal Theory Conference

The Sixteenth International Reversal Theory Conference will be held at the University of Reims, France, 16-19 July 2013.  Full information will be found on the Reversal Theory Society website at: This site also gives information about how to submit papers. Submissions of all kinds are welcome: psychometric, experimental, theoretical and applied.  Keynote speakers will include Richard Mallows (President of the British Psychological Society), John Kerr (well-known sports psychologist), and Michael Apter (one of the originators of the theory).