Summer School
Using R for personality research
August 23-28, 2014
Bertinoro, Italy
Organizers: William Revelle & Marco Perugini
Supported by:
European Association of Personality Psychology (EAPP)
Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology (SMEP)
International Society for the Study of Individual Differences (ISSID)
R is an integrated suite of software facilities for data manipulation, calculation, and graphical display that is particularly useful for psychological and personality scientists. The aim of this summer school is to make participants familiar with the R package as it can be used for substantive research questions in personality psychology. The summer school will start from the basic notions of R, including simple standard descriptive statistics, graphical approaches, and basic statistical techniques, and then move to more advanced issues, including classic and IRT psychometric approaches, multilevel modeling, structural equation modeling, social interactions model, and data simulation. Participants will be encouraged to bring their own data for analyses under supervision of faculty members. The maximum number of participants is 30.
Teaching faculty includes:
William Revelle, Northwestern University, USA
Yves Roseel, Ghent University, Belgium
Felix Schönbrodt, University of Munich, Germany
Ryne A. Sherman, Florida Atlantic University, USA
Giulio Costantini, Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Albrecht Küfner, Factworks, Germany
Conference Site (It is possible to switch on the English version)
Participation Costs "All-inclusive package" including fees, accommodation, wireless internet access, breakfasts, lunches, welcome and farewell dinner:
300 € (single room)
250 € (double room)
A limited number of scholarships is provided and will be assigned to applicants from countries of lower income economies. Please specify in the application letter if you intend to apply for a scholarship.
Application Please send your application including a 1 page letter of intent and a Curriculum Vitae via e-mail attachment (pdf or WORD file) to both:
Deadline for applications: April 22, 2014 You should be informed about acceptance before May 7, 2014